
Pig Factory Farming Script

  • Pig Factory Farming Script: Key:  actions / sound effects / voice over


Music starts and then the voice over comes in


Pigs around the world are being factory farmed,

  • Conveyer belt moves pigs in, ham comes out. Chimneys pumping up and down. (Factory/industrial noise of gears etc)


Female Pigs are kept in 60cm by 2m farrowing crates, unable to move, forced to live in poor conditions.

  • factory turns transforms into metal box (transformer/mechanical moving/building noise)
  • eyes in cage blink (pig noises)


12 weeks is the natural nursing time for piglets but in these conditions they are taken away as early as 4 weeks so the female can give birth yet again.

  • Cage is moved to the left and replaced with a calendar showing 12 weeks (swoosh noise)
  • Calendar pages’ fly off, fast blanking the screen to reveal a a page with 4 weeks on it (paper being flicked through noise)


After 5 years she is no longer useful and sent off to slaughter.

  • Hand fly’s on top of calendar (smack sound)
  • Knife swipes across the finger and the fingers fall and bounce on the ground (shing cut/swing sound, fingers thudding on the floor sound)


The males are shipped off to slaughter while the female piglets restart the viscous cycle.

  • Zooms into the palm of the hand (zoom/moving sound)
  • Shows a blue male gender sign with a skull over the top (pig squealing sound)
  • The arrow pointing to the right swings down to show the female gender sign (turns pink) (moving sound)
  • Sign spins around fast to revel a three arrow cycle sign that spins slowly (slowly moving sound)


One slaughter house in the US kills 1000 pigs per year with the whole of the US killing over 110million pigs per year.

  • Arrows shoot off the page in different directions, shot follows one to a new frame with a house. Arrow becomes chimney (falling/moving fast sound)
  • Equals sign moves out right from the house (swoosh noise)
  • 1000 pops up (pop noise)


800,00 piglets are slaughtered per year in New Zealand alone with Kiwis eating over 20kg of pork per person per year.

  • 800,00 with New Zealand in background
  • Zooms into one of the circles (zoom/moving noise) which becomes the head of the man.
  • Equals sign moves out right from the man (swoosh noise)
  • 20kg of pork pops up (pop noise)


The good news….

  • Goes blank for a while to add suspense
  • Question mark pops up (pop noise)


77% of Kiwis are against pig factory farming.

  • 77% appears, (pop sound) drops down (moving/sinking sound) and the factory fades in then the circle with a slash through it flashes over the top. (errr, errr sound in time with flashes)


How do we break the cycle?

  • Circle of arrows slowly move around (slow movement/rotating noise), then suddenly with speed an arrow shoots off to the right (rocket/fast movement noise)


Stop giving your money to pig farms and slaughterhouses!

  • Screen moves with it, turns into money poping up (cha-ching sound every time a note pops up), making a path avoiding the factory (machine/factory gears sounds)


Don’t worry, don’t give up your bacon yet!

  • Follows the screen down to show some bacon (surprised pig squeal)


It’s as easy as choosing not to don’t buy factory-farmed pork, go free range, alternatively you could have a meat free week once a month.

  • Thumbs up moves in fast from the right pushing the bacon off the left hand side of the screen, sleeve attached to the thumb has free range on it (tick/point sound).
  • Arm pushed back out to the right (swosh noise) pushed by a line of three meat products with one vege (tick/point sound).


Give vegan or vegetarian a go, it means eating for life, your life and animals lives.

  • Meat turns into carrots (pop noise)


Have a look on to order a free copy of PETA’s vegetarian/vegan starter kit.

  • Screen is just background colour and text pops up (pop sound)


Or Donate to help pigs at to make a difference today!

  • Folds down and changes to website text (page flip sound)

Original Story Board


This was our original storey board/script. However we made a decision as a team to change it after looking at some examples of motion graphics. The main reason behind the change is this video was too linear and straight forward, this happened, then this happened, then this happened. There was no stretch and squish and we realised making the character move would be rather tricky and transitions were very boring.

Decided to go for less of a narrative and character theme and just relate animations to voice over in a simple, interesting and effective way. (see storey board above this post)